- 【經文資訊】卍新纂續藏經 第六十八冊 No. 1319《御選語錄》
- 【編輯說明】本資料庫由中華電子佛典協會(CBETA)依卍新纂續藏經所編輯
- 【原始資料】CBETA 人工輸入,維習安大德提供之 ZENCD 經文,台灣某大德提供
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- 卍 Xuzangjing Vol. X68, No. 1319 御選語錄
- Distributor: Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA)
- Source material obtained from: Input by CBETA, ZENCD as provided by Mr. Christian Wittern, Text as provided by Anonymous, Taiwan
- Distributed free of charge. For details please read at The Copyright of CBETA